"Sanare" (sanāre) is a Latin word for healing. We are a service provider to promote healing within sexual abuse victims.
Nobody who experiences sexual, domestic or personal trauma should ever feel alone.
We bring trauma survivors and supporters together in the spirit of healing. We use empathy, compassion and experience to help navigate the support system, and to make communities safer and more resilient through education, advocacy, and calls to action.
Our work helps Albertans understand and address the real impacts of social, sexual and domestic trauma, and to break the trauma cycle.
Men, women and children experience violence. They want help to heal. We help. We provide a safe, healing space for those who have experienced violence and trauma to have their voices heard, and we are an agent of change to reduce abuse and sexual violence. We are a recognized, innovative, and trusted leader providing violence and trauma support services, education, and advocacy throughout southeastern Alberta.
By 2023, we will deliver expanded, leading-edge trauma support services to children and adults with measurable positive change for individuals and the community, while increasing overall awareness of these services.